CDE 232 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Parenting Styles

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Socioemotional development in early childhood (chapter 8 and lecture) Baumrind"s 4 parenting styles : authoritarian parenting- restrictive and punitive. A parent place firm limits/control on child and allows little verbal exchange: indulgent parenting (permissive)- highly involved with children but place few demands/ control on them. Short essay questions (1 short essay question worth 20 pts = 20% of exam grade) Below are the topics that the short essay question. Please study both; you will be given one to answer. Responses to the short answer question must be appropriately detailed and in complete sentences. During the strange situation how would babies with each pattern of attachment react? (remember the 3 things you should be paying attention to during the strange situation that helps you determine which pattern) . Securely attached: use caregiver as secure base from which to explore the environment. Insecure avoidant: babies that show insecurity by avoiding caregiver.