SD 2400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Seed Saving, Carteret Islands, Delano, California

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10 of the following terms will be on the midterm exam. In about 5-6 sentences, you will briefly identify the term and explain it in the context of our course themes. Ultimately, you must explain why it is important to sustainable development: the united nations and sustainable development: Un committee on environmental and development; reports a global agenda for change", the bruntland report 1987: first global attempt at sustainability. Iclei: the international council for local environmental initiatives, local environments take part in the iclei for assistance on how to address sd. The resurgence of these ideas is where neo comes from. Jamaican local farmers competing with imported produce, imported was cheaper than local produce; they can"t complete. Run their own schools, medical centers, and have their own judiciary system. The revolutionary law of women: want women to have 50% of all leadership positions.