REL-1110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Cosmological Argument, Sufism, Sevener

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19 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Muhammad thinks he was haunted by a jinn; actually the angel jibril (gabriel) Central tenets of islam: tawhid & unity. Unforgiveable sin associating anything of the natural world with god. Leads to iconoclasm: khatam al-anbiya seal of the prophets, ahl at-kitab people of the book, two authoritative sources, qur"an/koran, hadith collection of sunna (deeds, actions, and sayings of muhammad) Five beliefs: allah, angels, books torah, gospels, qur"an, prophets with one message, day of judgement. Five practices/pillars: shahadeh there is no god but allah, and muhammad is his prophet , salat 5 daily prayers, zakat almsgiving, sawm fasting during ramadan, hajj pilgrimage to mecca. 6. jihad struggle greater/lesser greater is aligning your will with the qur"an (making yourself more muslim) lesser is the struggle against nonbelievers (making the world more muslim) Ulama community of the mujtahid (equivalent to rabbis) Ijtihad independent reasoning: qiyas analogy b.