CJ 3400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Labeling Theory, Corporate Crime, Prosocial Behavior

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Groups: a collective of individuals: key groups for behavior include a person"s families (cid:523)parents(cid:524) and friends (cid:523)peers(cid:524). Social control theories: assumes that children are naturally antisocial and learn to be pro-social/to conform by key groups. Key groups are protective factors (reduce the risk of criminality): social bonding theory (control, hirschi): delinquency is a result of weak bonds to society. Commitment: the degree of investment to school and work. Belief: the degree that one agrees with the law. Involvement: the amount of time spent in legitimate activities (e. g. sports: low self-control theory (control, hirschi & gottfredson): all criminality is due to low self-control. Poor parenting (failure to supervise children, recognize incorrect behavior, and/or inconsistent discipline) leads to low self-control, which leads to short-sighted, stupid, risky behaviors, such as juvenile delinquency, unprotected sex, and smoking. A preference for simple rather than complex tasks. A preference for physical rather than cerebral activities.