SISU-105 FA3 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: World Politics, Hegemonic Masculinity, Masculinity

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Guiding question: less than 15% of the world"s head of state are women; why do you think. Early international relations feminists challenged the discipline to think about how its theories might be reformulated. men and women should be. Feminists define gender as a set of socially constructed characteristics describing what. Women are left in the margin; whereas the ideal man is a man in control. International relations theories focus on social relations; gender relations, not anarchy; Masculinity is matched with strength, rationality, independence, and protection. Ideal masculine type = hegemonic masculinity (the death of socrates) share post positivist commitment to examining relationship between. Most knowledge has been created by men and is about men. Conventional international relations relies on generalized rationalist explanations of a social states" behavior in an anarchical system. I. r. feminist research can be divided into: First generation which focuses on theory formulation. Second generation which approaches empirical situation gendered lenses .