SOSC 2350- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 33 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Hundred twelves million where living in the american. 18,000,0000 loved north of the rio grandie. Half a million lived in what is now called canada in the 15 hundreds. 60, 000 lived in the what is now southern ontario. (first) asian crossed from asia in what went know as latin america. (third) when his and north america where linked from a short period of time. We the original peoples of this land know the creator put us here. The creator gave us laws that govern all our relationship to live in harmony with nature and mankind. The laws of the creator define our rights and responsibilities. The creator gave us our spiritual beliefs, our languages, our culture, and a place on mother. Earth which provided us with all our needs: indigenous communities in eastern canada: the mi"kmaq, social and economic characteristic. Divided into seven district with seven chiefs. Chiefs where men and where trusted by their members.