SOSC 2350 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lgbt, Don Jon, White Privilege

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The three strongest markers of privilege in canadian society are whiteness, masculinity and heterosexuality. The mythical norm" is usually defined as white, thin, male, young, heterosexual, christian and financially secure. It is because of the mythical norm that there is a power imbalance in society. The people that fall under the mythical norm are seen as normal" and have unearned advantages that result from them meeting the criteria of the mythical norm. Privilege refers mainly to unearned advantages that work to maintain or reinforce the systematic systems of power of the mythical norm. One of the ways the mythical norm maintains its power in society is by remaining unexamined. Therefore, it is evident that society works to maintain the powerful image of the mythical norm as being superior without ever having to mention it because it is considered to be internalized in all of us.