SOSC 1800 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tabula Rasa, Oedipus Complex, Class Conflict

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Based on the work of aries and warnock fernea, offer a critical account of how children were understood and treated in pre-modern/medieval times taking into consideration different cultural contexts. A answer will take stuff from other parts of the course and not just what is asked. child vs child come out of the first lecture. Definition of child is, legal, un definition childhood in general definition first reading, the person who launched modern childhood study which he said childhood didn"t exist in med evil times. Vernana trial pre-modern article third article (islamic culture) Provide an overview and give a comparative account of how locke and rousseau differed in their opinions. Show how their ideas influenced contemporary constructions of childhood. child is becoming --> what they mean, child is property, child is blank slate. know the time periods --> ancient, post modern. Pg38 locke- blank slate, rousseau- child has its own world and is corrupted by adulthood.