SOSC 1700 Study Guide - Final Guide: Peggy Mcintosh, Japanese Canadians, Afua Cooper

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Five concepts from the list below will appear on the exam, you must answer five. Note: you must use a different text or author for each concept. You must use full sentences in response to each concept. Definition: unearned privileges that white people have; are oblivious to them. Significance: creates inequality of power and dominance of white over racialized groups creates an illusion that whites live morally neutral. In the article significance: (cid:862)i (cid:272)a(cid:374) go shoppi(cid:374)g alo(cid:374)e (cid:373)ost of the ti(cid:373)e, p(cid:396)ett(cid:455) (cid:449)ell assu(cid:396)ed that i (cid:449)ill (cid:374)ot be followed or ha(cid:396)assed(cid:863). Definition: set of societal norms dictating what types of behaviours are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex. Significance: women had a significant role in the fur trade, native and metis women, described as a golden age for women. During this period that there was a great involvement of native & metis women in the fur trade.