SOSC 1375 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: John Diefenbaker, Judicial Activism, Alimony

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29 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Liberalism is based on the idea of abstract rights: rights do not take place in contexts, generic/ abstract the right to not be discriminated based on sex, they must be general to apply to all, be all encompassing. Rights - guarantee certain treatment constitution = contract b/w state and citizens (and sometimes those living within the states territory) Equality rights as abstract treating people differently to create fairness, compensate for advantage. Justice claire l"heureux dube: liberal feminist, believes in the laws neutrality, we can work with the law to produce social change. Ch guarantees certain rights, not others ex same sex alimony before same sex marriage: idea of equality limited. 2 competing conception of equality: formal and substantive. Enacted by prime minister john diefenbaker in post ww2 era. Bill of r p 1: recognizes and declares that people have the right to not be discriminated by race, origin, colour, religion or sex equality before the law.