SOSC 1375 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Indian Act, Mental Disorder, Assisted Suicide

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Cases - choose 3 cases out of 6 (1. 5-3 pages each case)- 18 marks. Separation thesis (law and morality): idea that law & morality are two different things. Law is not necessarily a reflection of social values. Natural law theory: law is beyond human control. Legal positivism: human convention, meaning it is the outcomes of decisions. Public law: regulates the relationships between the state and the individuals, or between states. Civil law: regulates the personal relationships between two private parties. Procedural law: outlines steps (rules) involved in protecting and enforcing rights given under substantive law. Constitutional law: law establishing the make-up of government and division of power between federal and provincial governments. Criminal law: prohibitions with penalties. (acts with penalties) Administration law: governs the activities of administrative agencies of government. Tort law: deals with private wrong doings committed against one another. Unified court system: when 2 levels of the court are unified.