SOSC 1350 Study Guide - Final Guide: In Essence, Battered Person Syndrome, Coverture

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In his highly influential commentaries on the laws of england, william blackstone wrote: the husband also (by the old law) might give his wife moderate correction. Describe how the doctrine of coverture was adopted in canadian law. Outline the historical evolution of the legal treatment of intimate partner violence, marriage and divorce. Finally, consider whether any of the maxims described by blackstone remain true today, and specify why or why not. Introduction: william blackstone states that a husband is given the right to correct his wife for her misbehaviour by using the rule of thumb . In other words, the law allows husbands to beat their wives as long as the stick is no longer than a thumb. Paragraph 1: working class women are more likely to stay in a abusive relationship because they do not have the money to move out.