SOSC 1350 Study Guide - Final Guide: Marilyn Waring, Nuclear Family, Chinese Head Tax In Canada

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The history of poverty law concerns shifting conceptions of the deserving versus the. Similarly, the history of immigration law concerns particular assumptions concerning people seen as deserving to immigrate to canada. Feminists have pointed out that the social and legal constructions of the deserving have been highly informed by sexism, racism, and classism. Outline the historical evolution of the legal treatment of poverty and immigration in canada, and connect this treatment to gender, race, and class. To determine whether an individual is deserving or undeserving, authorities look at gender, ethnicity and classism because it outlines if one meets the criteria"s to receive benefits and assistance. This essentially determined who can and who cannot qualify for citizenship since ethnicities of colour are assumed to be. Examples: the chinese immigration act, and also known as chinese head tax, in the year. 1885, where chinese men had to pay a tax to work in canada and were paid half of what.