SOSC 1350 Study Guide - Welfare Fraud, Working Poor, Canada Women'S National Soccer Team

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Although low-income women were early recipients of welfare, there was always considerable public debate about just which women were morally deserving and which ones were not. Such divisions between the worthy and unworthy poor women have increased recently. And welfare fraud measures have legitimized the public"s perception that welfare recipients, and particularly single mothers, are not deserving of state aid. Affects women more then men because they depend on social services then men. Health care, women are likely not to get benefits (ei for employment insurance {if you have. Women are likely to need education for their children (and interruptions in employment because of personal reasons {children, sexual harassment}: why the neoliberal reorganization of labour disproportionately affects the employment and earning rates of women. Women make 71% of what men make. Name: women have always been poor; their poverty has been it is not new because it is taken a new shape.