SOSC 1340 Study Guide - Final Guide: Market Discipline, Pyramid Scheme, Michael J. Sandel

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A set of idea that government need let market alone to resolve economic problems, key ideas are privatization, deregulation, free trade neo-liberal think market is efficient and government is inefficient. Friedman is a neoliberal who suggests pure market theory privatization in his work, he thinks education, health, etcare private family service" which is better allocate in the market because of efficient and freedom. However, mcnally critiques that neoliberalism was response to impose market discipline. For example, debt is a way to discipline workers, the debt like visa today make worker owe banks money, therefore force workers work harder to payoff the debt. Another example for discipline workers is from steinbeck"s novel the grapes of wrath , he express a tragedy when farmer run into debt then lose their land. Heilbroner: drive for capital require economics and politics to be both separated but dependent- leads to market failures and undermining of freedom: legal personality: We are moving too fast, overpopulation: utilitarianism: