SOSC 1185 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Private Sphere, Public Sphere, Gender Identity

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The expectation is often opposite of each other and this system keeps differences between men and women. Article#1: natural men& discusses until we treat b the same we cant really a natural differences betwe. Article#2: the 5sexes re argues western binary sy not including the sex/gend possibilities. Looks at gender issues through different levels of analyses. Article#1: naming all the looks at the biological and sociological perspectives. Organization sex and gender in to two different and opposite forms of masculine and famine. Generalizations about gender characteristics, differences and roles given to individuals. Stereotypes can be +tive & -tive but they rarely communicate truth info about others. Many ppl recognize the danger of stereotypes but still continue. Article#2: johnson argu we have unwritten set of each gender. These streotypes hold us certain way but we don"t we need to be open to new. Article#1: the scientific my talks about objectivity in are never possible.