SOSC 1000 Final: Exam 1 Prep Notes Full

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Indian culture and history can be seen as controversial. Holmberg"s mistake was the supposition that native americans lived in an eternal undistorted state (pg 50) Holmberg"s mistake explains the colonists" view of most indians as incurably vicious barbarians. They were also known to be noble savages and were always thought to be uncivilized. Overlooked archeological evidence that suggested major construction. Its a completely humanized landscape (49), said by a doctoral student denevan when he examined the beni from above. The indians had a greater impact on the land before. Holmberg failed to realize that the siriono were culturally backward for a reason. 95% of the siriono were wiped out due to smallpox or influenza, the remaining siriono were. These thoughts came about after 1492 (columbus) because of disease and subjugation. (pg 59) The wrongful assumption of native people has led to people believing that they were indeed uncivilized and not culturally advanced.