SOCI 3810 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ultimatum Game, Henri Tajfel, Social Exchange Theory

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Philosophers and social scientists have long pondered the master problem of social life: This chapter examines three aspects of this relationship: inclusion of the individual in the group, the individualism-collectivism continuum, and the inclusion of the group in identity. 3. 1. review the evidence that suggests humans have a fundamental need to belong to groups. Define social capital and use this concept to explain contemporary trends in human sociality. Describe how humans react when excluded (or ostracized) from a group. Provide a graphic summary of the inclusion-exclusion continuum. Summarize the three stages of the temporal need-threat model of ostracism. Compare the flight-and-flight response to the tend-and-befriend response. Summarize an evolutionary theory"s explanation of the need to belong in humans, being sure to describe the survival advantages and disadvantages offered by sociality. Compare the sociometer model of self-esteem to a more traditional view of self-esteem.