SOCI 3692 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gender Role, 18 Months, Shared Belief

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Theories of Society - 3692
Stateless and violent
Is without
No place in the society
No interest in joining the society
The barbarian can be at the gates, within the gates, sitting beside you
What distinguishes strangers from barbarians but the relation itself is an emotional
and perceptual relation
The barbarian, from the outside, one does not want to be in that society, they would
rather destroy it
One sees oneself as having no place in that society
From the perspective within, we are speaking about a society that doesn’t want this
kind of person in it
Geometry of Social Forms
When one talks about pure sociology, its forms in a general sense
Grammar is not about individual acts
The words are put together according to general forms
There is a sense in which Weber says he’s speaking about, not the content of
language, but the form of language, relative to society
He speaks of doing a kind of geometry
It looks at forms in an abstract sense
It’s about relations of proximity
In the case of dyads and triads, you’re dealing with numbers
One, two, three
One: isolation and the absent other
Basic social relation
There is a problem of the mortality of the dyads
They don’t last very long
Not only can on of the people in the relation die, but something could happen to
one of those people
These relationships are more fragile than those with more people
If a dyadic relationship is only made up of routines
One falls into a pattern where one is always doing the same thing
The relationship loses it intensity
Turning to intimacy, it’s the intensity of the relationship
It is realized as being specific that no one shares
Simmel claims that if there is more than 2 people, the relationship isn’t going to be
He assumed that people would return to dyads
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With 3 in the relationship, 2 of the people are going to be more intense than the
Each person thinks that the other relations are stronger
The appearance of the third person is what creates the conflict
3 types:
non-partisan mediator
tertius gaudens
divide and rule
o threat of reversion to dyad
o cement triads by negative dyads
Controls basic drives and impulses
Core of rational personality
Balances the id and superego
Aims for perfection
Cultural Superego
Imposes cultural norms on the superego
Ethical basis of the society
Oral stage
The first sexual development stage
Libido is the mouth of the infant
Oral is the relationship of one
The child has just come out of the womb, has no sense of the other person
They can make no distinction between what it desires, and what is real
They child lives in the state of primary narcissism
It only sees itself and the mother’s breast
Eventually the child begins to distinguish itself
Anal stage
The second sexual development stage
18 months to 3 years
Libido comes from controlling bladder
Ego has developed
Anal is the relationship of 2
Anal is binary
The child is now expected to do something whereas the relation with the breast, the
child doesn’t have to do anything
The child has to learn how to do certain things at the appropriate times
The child is going to be rewarded for what it does
The child in some sense is faced with the externality of the world
The nature of this relationship if that there is a third person
The father and mother have this relationship that is independent of the child,
sometimes it has priority
The child is no longer at the center of the world
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Document Summary

One sees oneself as having no place in that society: from the perspective within, we are speaking about a society that doesn"t want this kind of person in it, geometry of social forms. He speaks of doing a kind of geometry. It looks at forms in an abstract sense. In the case of dyads and triads, you"re dealing with numbers: one, two, three, one: isolation and the absent other, dyad, basic social relation, triviality. Intimacy: there is a problem of the mortality of the dyads, they don"t last very long, not only can on of the people in the relation die, but something could happen to one of those people. Id: controls basic drives and impulses, ego, core of rational personality, balances the id and superego, superego, aims for perfection, cultural superego. Thanatos : drive toward instant death and self-destruction, aggression, opposes eros love, family, country: