SOCI 3660 Study Guide - Late Modernity, Heterosexuality, Social Forces

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19 Dec 2014

Document Summary

Main points of articles (dorothy smith & snaf, domesticity aka maroney) 1-3 sentence summary of each article, you will get questions on the articles and tie writers to articles. Theorizing the family and the family relations in sociology: We face the challenge: how we socially construct what is family is not meaningful to everyone. We must recognize that there are negative risks to endorsing ideological views of the family as an institution particularly idealized constructions of the nuclear family (heteronormative, restrictive, exclusive, pushes people out) Went back in time to see how relations, processes, and behaviours that characterize family. Changing social structural forces (e. g. colonialism, industrialization [mitchell]) including lives have changed over time government-endorsed practices and interventions (e. g. slavery; immigration policy) have shaped families (bell hooks, ashley. What we know as the nuclear family seems to be intricately linked to a bifurcation of public and private spheres of social life during the industrialization period.