SOCI 3660- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 41 pages long!)

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11 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Falls under the theme of starting and maintaining families. Intimacy can be theorized as having changed: cultural imperative to marry someone of the opposite sex has decreased. Other things that have changed: the length and nature of the relationship. Heteronormativity and heterosexual imaginary: orientation that we experience in our social world, whether we know it or not, society is organized largely through a heteronormative lens. Emphasis is on what seems to matter when people build a family with children. Census data collected over time has shown that number of couples living with children has declined. 2): less single-parent families than 2-parent families, demographically. ^-e. g. family allowances: all mothers, irrespective of the age of their children and their income level, received support if they were actively raising children. Our current child benefit programs target families, thus requiring income below a particular threshold to qualify, which means that there has been a dramatic social change in the value of raising kids.