SOCI 2510 Study Guide - Final Guide: Black Canadians, Social Conflict, Social Inequality

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Chapter 1: michelle is a 32 year old black canadian college graduate. Thinking sociologically, we might expect that she is most likely to marry a: Thomas hobbes: a social-conflict analysis of sports points out: That the games people play reflect their social standings: ____ is a statement of how and why specific facts are related. Theory: ____ is defined as any relatively stable pattern of behaviour. Fencing off more and more farmland to create grazing areas for sheep: seeing the general in the particular is one way to define: The sociological perspective: ___ refers to the consequences of any social pattern for the operation of society as a whole. Social function: one criticism made of the social-conflict approach is its: Protestants has lower levels of social integration: consistent with durkheim"s findings, which category of the canadian population has a suicide rate five times higher than those of other canadians.