SOCI 1010 Study Guide - Quantitative Research

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While conducting the surveys, i came across many answers. Majority had similar answers, while some were different. For the first question, which was should men take care of their wife when they are ill and require a long rest in bed in order to get better , everyone that conducted the survey responded with the answer yes. This to me was expected because it is a straightforward question. From questions four-nine, 5 people answered yes, while 3 people gave not sure & yes to question four & five. Those same 3 people also gave the answer yes to questions six-nine. The remaining 2 people answered not sure throughout the whole survey. For question ten and eleven, 4 people answered not sure, while the other 4 people answered yes for both questions. One of the interviewee"s talked her experience with having kids and how to handle them, relating to question 7.