PSYC 4060 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Nonverbal Communication, Eye Movement Desensitization And Reprocessing, Multisensory Integration

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Document Summary

Rational mind not capable of resolving all problems, human mind capable of more than purely conscious processes. All specialized sensory organs feed endless info to the brain via thalamus hippocampus (central integrator), amygdala (emotions) and cortex. Recording of all events retained in distributed, multi-sensory form in the brain. Conscious cognitive processes only access a small amount of this info, most info has a profound/subtle influence on behaviour. Sensory aspects of experience are regarded as equally important w/ cognitive. Separation b/w body and mind is superficial. Relationship b/w linguistic representation of our world and neurological and the programs by which the 2 systems interact to produce behaviour. All human mental processes are neurologically based, experience is the synthesis of all info received and processed through the ns. Language (how we communicate our experience to others) is an imperfect translation of internal/neurologic representation.