PSYC 4030 Study Guide - Final Guide: Guided Imagery, Agoraphobia, Francine Shapiro

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Because you"re exposing the client to a threatening event (for a longer period of time and at a higher intensity), trying to fix the problem with the problem that caused it. Fighting a stallion with a stallion from the text. Because bodily sensations are the target of desensitization procedure. Because we can use this method for general fears, not just phobias. The client is trained to become atuned to bodily felt sensations of anxiety. The body sensations cue the client to engage in a competing response a coping response such as relaxation. This coping response is learned in therapy session, as the therapist instructe the client to stay with instead of terminating the scene, while using relaxation as well as positive self restructuring i am handling this . In vivo flooding: what ae the basic procedures, person is exposed to high anxiety-provoking stimulus for a long enough duration for the anxiety to peak and decline.