PSYC 3490 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ontogeny, Fluid And Crystallized Intelligence, Internal Control

222 views3 pages
19 Apr 2016

Document Summary

No set procedure for conducting neuropsychological assessment. Verbal recall remembering list of words. Verbal abstraction ability to see similarities betwn things. Trail making test assess frontal lobe functioning, includes attention and ability to scan visual stimuli or follow sequence of numbers. Wcst the wisconson card sorting test ability to form mental sets in category cards wwith related features. Slower processing speeds slower reading rate, slower to gain info from context/reading. Changes in hearing and speech perception harder to hear convos. Slowing of cognitive functions harder to form mental images. Working memory deficits less grammatical complexity, simpler sentences. Simpler grammatical sentences expressed on paper and in convos. Activate right hemisphere when processing speech, a reversal from the left seen in younger ppl. Increase activation of frontal regions, typically not active with younger adults. You didn"t hear so you assume its hi/hello : define and describe the communication predicament model. Elderspeak happens a lot with intergenerational communication.