PSYC 3490 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Microtubule, Dementia, Family Caregivers

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19 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Describe five diseases of the cardiovascular system along with their causes. Atherosclerosis narrow arteries due to fatty deposits/plaque builds up cause unhealthy diet, buildup throughout lifetime. Arteriosclerosis thickening and hardening of arteries. Cause some degree is part of normal aging. Cause atherosclerosis, blood has to move faster to supply body. Congestive heart failure chronic, heart unable to pump blood to meet needs of organs. Cause coronary heart disease, scar tissue from past heart attack, hypertension, heart defects. Cerebral vascular accident ava artery leading to brain burst or is clogged by blood clot/particle. Sex first nations women higher rate of high blood pressure. Race cardiovascular disease risk high for first nations. Inuit lower heart attacks and ischemic heart disease than general canadian population. Unhealthy diet: what three measures can people take to lower their risk of cardiovascular disease, describe five major forms of cancer according to their site in the body and the nature of the specific form of cancer.