PSYC 3480 Study Guide - Final Guide: Quid Pro Quo, Glass Ceiling, Promise Keepers

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12 Jun 2019

Document Summary

Access discrimination: people with strong stereotypes about gender roles. Occupational segregation: men and women select careers in different fields. Men belong to a more privileged group. Glass ceiling: to keep women and people of colour from moving ahead. Labyrinth metaphor: women who want to advance will face many challenges, not just a single challenge. Sticky floor: women who are not for positions with great responsibility. Glass escalator: men in women fields are promoted. Person-centered explanation: women lack skills to succeed in a profession. Situation-centered: small about a woman in some occupations. Role strain: perceived difficulty of fulfilling various role responsibilities. Social constructionist: women are not supposed to be highly enthusiastic about sexual experiences: excitement phase: erotic thoughts can produce sexual arousal, resolution phase: sexual organs return to their earlier, pre-excitement state. Orgasms result from direct or indirect clitoral stimulation. Gender differences are largest in the subjective aspect of sexual desire. Sexual scripts: men are usually the initiators.