PSYC 3310 Study Guide - Psychopathy Checklist, Mental Disorder, Visuddhimagga

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Risk assessments: when are they conducted: both in civil and criminal contexts - civil: private rights of individuals; criminal: individuals be- ing charged with a crime. Immigration laws: not allowing someone into canada if they pose a threat to social, cultural or economic functioning in canadian society: school and labour regulations: prevent acts that would endanger others, duty to warn and limits of confidentiality. The base rate problem: base rate: represents the % of ppl w/in a popn who commit a criminal or violent act - diffi- cult to make predictions when the base rates are too high or low. 3 weaknesses of research on the prediction of violence: 1. Static - stable dynamic (things that change, but over long periods; should be the target of treatment i. e. coping, attitude and impulsivity) - acute dynamic (change rapidly and often oc- cur just prior to an offense)