[PSYC 3310] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 31 pages long Study Guide!

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M"naghten rules + criminal code of canada. Thought the government was spying on him and tried to assinate the prime minister but killed the wrong man. Created in reaction to acquittal of daniel m"naghten in 1843. Found not guilty by reason of insanity in murder of secretary to british prime minister and spent the rest of his life in an insane asylum. Key: did the defendant know what they were doing, or, if so, that it was wrong? . Queen victoria had an issue with this that he was getting off the hook this created the progress of the m"naghten rules. 1933 ontario created a max security until the 1960s you would not be released even with a doctor"s note. First book to discuss potential role of psychology within the legal system (eyewitness reliability (how good is their memory); suggestibility of witnesses (does their story change); detection of deception; false confessions; impact of questioning style; etc. )