PSYC 3240- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 105 pages long!)

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Partially distorted representation of the world (e. g. , perceptual illusions or auditory hallucinations) not considered to be an altered state of consciousness. Possess the characteristics of perception, not imagery. Distinguish between form and content: form: in true hallucination, person believes the experience is real, but it is not; it is clearly defined, detailed, constant, content: almost limitless; can be anything. Perceptions of the outside world, mental imagery, dreams, daydreams and hallucinations all involve the same neural mechanisms. Anything that pushes brain"s representational system away from incoming sensory information and towards internal memory images makes hallucinatory activity more likely. Visual hallucinations: appear solid, may throw shadows schizophrenia; or may be caused by medications. Olfactory ( phantosmia ): may be due to head injury, or caused by temporal lobe seizures, inflamed sinuses, brain tumors and parkinson"s disease. Visceral (external bodily hallucinations, tactile hallucinations, kinaesthetic hallucinations, and internal, visceral hallucinations): organic condition or schizophrenia; cocaine, amphetamine abuse. Gustatory: certain types of epilepsy, or schizophrenia.