PSYC 3170 Study Guide - Sympathetic Nervous System, Hans Selye, Cerebral Cortex

71 views6 pages
10 Jan 2013

Document Summary

Humans respond to stress with social and nuturant behaviour. When men were responsible for hunting and protection women were responsible for foraging and childcare therefore women"s responses to stress would have evolved to protect not only herself but her offspring- not only in humans but most species. Befriending- affiliation with others, seeking social contact during stress is especially characteristic of females and may help in self-preservation and protection of offspring. The hormone oxytocin is significant to female responses to stress- it is released in response to stressful events and its effects are influenced by estrogen. Oxytocin increases affiliative behaviour (mothering, and warm touching btw couples) Opioids may also contribute to affiliative responses to stress in females. Women are more likely to respond to stress by turning to others. Theory brings social behaviour into the stress process. Individuals confront a new/changing environment they engage in this process to determine the meaning of the event. Events perceived as positive, neutral, or negative.