PSYC 2240 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cerebral Cortex, Red Nucleus, Cortisol

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The modern search for the engram: thompson identified one nucleus in the cerebellum called the lateral. But is not necessary for a conditioned response. In order for information to be remembered and recalled from long-term memory, information from short-term memory must be consolidated with in time to long- term memory. If anything interrupts the rehearsal; prior to consolidation information will be lost. Implicit memory: is an influence of experience on behavior, even if you do not recognize that influence. (you might be talking to someone about sports while other people nearby are carrying on a conversation about the latest movies. Korsakoff"s syndrome: prolonged thiamine deficiency leads to a loss of shrinkage of neurons throughout the brain, on of the areas most affected is the dorsomedial thalamus, the main source of input to the prefrontal cortex. The cerebral cortex, hippocampus and other areas astrophy (waste away).