PSYC 2240 Study Guide - Final Guide: Allostasis, Taste Receptor, Melanocortin

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Homeostasis refers to the temperature regulation and other biological processes that keep certain body variables within a fixed range. Allostasis refers to the adaptive way in which the body changes its set point in response to changes in life or the environment. A set point is a single value that the body works to maintain. Processes that reduce discrepancies from the set point are known as negative feedback. Temperature regulation uses about two-thirds of our energy / kilocalories per day. Basal metabolism is the energy used to maintain a constant body temperature while at rest. Poikilothermic is the idea that body temperature matches that of the environment. Homeothermic refers to the use of internal physiological mechanisms to maintain an almost constant body temperature (mammals and birds). Sweating / panting decrease temperature while shivering, increasing metabolic rate and decreasing blood flow to the skin increases temperature.