PSYC 2220- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 48 pages long!)

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Several settings are made for each stimulus condition. This method is fast, and typically easy for the observer to perform. Method of limits - observer is passively watching the display, and experimenter controls the stimulus intensity. Differentiates from the method of adjustment - experimenter presents the stimulus to the observer in either a ascending sequence or descending sequence. You take the mean of the crossover points, and that"s the threshold. More time-consuming than the method of adjustment. Select a range of test values (7-11) that you think bracket/ contain the subject"s threshold. - you have to have some idea where you think threshold would be. 2. present each one in random order (20 times each intensities) 2. much less opportunity for bias - because the experimenter controls. 3. preferred method, but requires more time and more knowledge about presentation, and stimuli is randomized performance.