PSYC 2120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Affective Forecasting, Social Representation, Random Assignment

106 views4 pages
14 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Social psychology vs. sociology: social psyc focuses more on individuals and use more experimental methods vs. Sociology which focuses more on people in groups and societies. Personality psychology: social psyc focuses less on differences among individuals and more on how individuals view and affect one another. Major themes in social psychology: social thinking (1)we construct our social reality and (2) our social intuitions are often powerful, sometimes perilous, social influences (3) social influences shape behaviour and (4) Dispositions shape behaviour, social relations (5) social behaviour is also biological behaviour and (6) relating to others is a basic need, applying social psychology (7)social psychology"s principles are applicable to everyday life. Social neuroscience: an integration of biological and social perspectives that explores the neural and psychological bases of social and emotional behaviours. Culture: the enduring behaviours, ideas, attitudes, traditions, products, and institutions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next.