PSYC 2120 Study Guide - Mass Psychogenic Illness, Social Proof, Solomon Asch

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Conformity- change in behaviour as a result of the real or imagines influence of. Individualistic culture- be independent, think and stand up for yourself. In the study, participants assessed their intellectual abilities positively- others did. The behaviour of other ppl helps us reach a definition of a situation, by. Informational social influence- conforming b/c we believe that others" Rather labeling conformity as good or bad, social psychologists question why. The responses in ppl differed, some thought light moved from 2. 5 cm to 25 cm. It was an ambiguous situation used by sheriff where the correct definition of the. Public compliance- conforming to other ppls behaviour publicly, w/o necessarily. Visual illusion- autokinetic effect, where you think the dot is moving by 5-10 cm. Private acceptance- ppl conform to the behaviour of others because they. Variable that effects informational social influence- how imp is it to the individual.