PSYC 2120- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 188 pages long!)

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Document Summary

2 tests; 1st is oct. 11 (25% - ch. 1-5 + lecture), 2nd is nov. 8 (30% - ch. Final exam (mainly mc; some short answer) (40%) during exam period about all material in course) Last 5% = top hat (starts next week; do about 90% of questions to get full marks) Social psychology- the scientific studies of how people think, feel, and behave in response to other people. Situations matter more than we think they do; how we think about or construe/ interpret things matters a lot too (people have different lenses and people think differently about different situations) Lecture #2- research methods and the social self. Theory- set of principles that explain and predict observed events (ex. if, then) Hypothesis- testable predictions about the relationships that exist between events/ behaviours/ constructs (have to turn this into a testable prediction); is more concrete. 1: experiments, allow us to make causal claims.