PSYC 2120 Midterm: Exam 2 Review 7-9 + Lecture

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Developed by albert bandura (1965): mirror neurons. We can either be encouraged to engage or discouraged from engaging in both new and known behaviors on the basis of whether the consequences of the actions for the model are positive or negative. Learning is also influenced by our sensitivity to social cues and motivations (imitation more likely when action seems likeable and similar to others). Social learning is more likely if the behavior observed is consistent with the motivational state of the observer: chameleon effect: the tendency to mimic unconsciously the nonverbal mannerisms of someone with whom you are interacting. People also automatically shift their attitudes toward what they think another persons opinions might be, especially when they are motivated to get along with that person. The chameleon effect occurs mainly when the other person is likeable. David phillips (1974/79) discovered that media portrayals of celebrity suicides are associated with subsequent increases in suicides and car accidents among the general public.