PSYC 2110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Peer Pressure, Reachout Healthcare America, Intensify

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Developmental psychology final exam: ch 12-17 textbook notes. Even very young infants are emotional creatures. Study: more than half the mothers of 1 month old infants said their babies displayed at least 5 distinct emotional expressions: interest, surprise, joy, anger, and fear. Displaying emotions: the development (and control) of emotional. Carroll )zard: studied infants" emotional expressions by videotaping babies". Different adult raters observing same expressions see the same emotion on baby"s responses to such events as grasping an ice cube, having toy taken from them, seeing mom return after a separation. Asked raters (unaware of the events infant experienced) to say what emotion baby is experiencing based on facial expression of baby face. Adults can tell which positive emotion baby is experiencing but negative emotions are harder to discriminate on basis of facial expression alone. Babies communicate variety of feelings through facial expression and each expression becomes more recognizable sign of a specific emotion with age.