[PSYC 2030] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (54 pages long!)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Psychology is a science because you have to conduct practical research exercises, make measurements, deal with statistics and writing up your findings as a scientific report. Science is about not only bunsen burners and white coats. System of thought that leads to a rational explanation of how things work in the world. A process of getting closer to the truth and further away from myths, fables and unquestioned or intuitive ideas about people. Analysis investigation of data for patterns or evidence of an effect. The important thing about science is that you are able to check the findings and perhaps carry out your own research if you are suspicious of what they seem to show. We can not trust intuition because it relies on myth, stereotype, prejudice and received but unchecked wisdom. Intuition makes us stick to what we know. Intuition and common sense give us obvious answers that are incorrect. Science: no a subject but a way of thinking.