PSYC 1010 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Anorexia Nervosa, Anxiety Disorder, Personality Disorder

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PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
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Module 47: mental health workers label behavior as disordered when it is, aggressive, persistent, and intentional, selfish, habitual, and avoidable, deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional, biologically influenced, unconsciously motivated, and difficult to change. Answer: c: ongoing patterns of behavior that are different from those of most other people in your culture are best characterized as, deviant, disinhibiting, dysfunctional, disorganized. Answer: a: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are major symptoms of, ocd, ptsd, adhd, did. Answer: c: larry has difficulty organizing his daily schedule of work responsibilities. He often makes careless mistakes or fails to complete his work because he is easily distracted. Larry"s behavior is most characteristic of: social phobia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder. Answer: b: adhd is diagnosed ________ often in girls than in boys. In the decade after 1987, a(n) ________ proportion of american children have been treated for this disorder: more; increasing, less; decreasing, more; decreasing, less; increasing.