PSYC 1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pethidine, Alarm Clock, Nicotine

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29 Jan 2015
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PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Learning: relatively durable change in behaviour or knowledge that is due to experience. Superstitions involves people repeating behaviour that they think will lead to a certain outcome (this is a type of operant conditioning) Phobias: irrational fears of specific objects or situations: often the result of classical conditioning. Conditioning: learning associations between events that occur in an organism"s environment: a specific kind of learning. Also called pavlovian conditioning (pioneered by ivan pavlov) The term conditioning comes from pavlov"s determination to discover the conditions of this kind of learning conditioning previous conditioning) Neutral stimulus (ns): a stimulus that does not evoke a conditioned response. Unconditioned stimulus (ucs): a stimulus that evokes an unconditioned response without previous. Unconditioned response (ucr): an unlearned reaction to an unconditioned stimulus that occurs without. Conditioned stimulus (cs): a previously neutral stimulus (ns) that has, through conditioning, acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response.