POLS 3260- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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Maccabees: jewish resistance movement to greek hellenization and occupation. Ruled from 164 bce to 63 bc. recaptured jerusalem in. Umayyad dynasty: a great and powerful muslim dynasty that ruled the empire of the caliphate from. During that time arabic became official state language, greeks and persian officials were replaced with arabs and arabic coinage was introduced. Fatimid caliphate: the shia dynasty that ruled much of north africa from january 5, 910 to 1171 c. e. The shia dynasty that ruled much of north africa from january 5, 910 to 1171 ce. From the red sea in the east to the atlantic ocean in the west. San remo agreement: 1920 conference in san remo that discussed the mandate of the league of. Diminishing the great empire to the borders of turkey, leading to the growth of turkish nationalism. The northern half was mandated to france, the southern half to great britain.