POLS 3230 Study Guide - Final Guide: Justin Trudeau, Market America, Double Standard

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Us does not want other countries to buy russian weapons over theirs. More sellers (mostly western countries less control on the global front on the market. America = dominant on the weapons selling front wants to keep this role = promote weapons sales. Competitors britain, china (higher tech), russia, france, japan (new) Us and russia selling weapons to india. Weapons selling depended on lax human right concerns creates competitiveness. Canada"s dual role in yemen: arms exports to saudi coalition dwarf aid sent to war-torn country. Double standard canada imports large amount of weapons to countries bombing yemen + brags about providing aid. The united nations has called the conflict in yemen the worst man-made humanitarian crisis of our time. Government + broker an approve deals for canadian companies in supplying weapons. Not just saudi but bahrain + uae + other countries in the middle east helping saudi.