POLS 3065- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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Categories of race + racism operate in politics. How race operates in everyday lives, gov"t policies, thought, logic. We approach race as a social relation that has been intertwined with other social relations like gender, and class. It permeates in social institutions like education, jobs, elections, etc. But it is based on more than just skin colour, but also on ethnicity, religion, nations --- other ways in which people identify themselves/define themselves. When people refer to race, one person may mean one thing, another may mean something completely different --- this is because race has an ill defined meaning but it has a powerful impact on people"s lives superiority/inferiority. Race" doesn"t have a natural or biological based; or historical transcendence quality (universal fits one that don"t change) -- it doesn"t have a fixed meaning. Paradox of meaning - how/why does race matter. Why is it constructed, how it operates in our political culture.