POLS 1000- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 40 pages long!)

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Ap pols 1000 www. yorku. ca/rloeppky (most important stuff will be on there) The term political, is an unsettled term. What politics is, is different for different people. Opens our eyes to what might be ulterior motives. ( very empowering) It helps us to understand when political action is necessary. Politics does not always bring happy news. Three images of power. a) coercive power (by using force, power of violence, it is something thats been in our political thought for a very long time, refer to max weber. He had a de nition of the modern states that we live in, that uses coercive power as a central component. A human community that successfully claims monopoly of the legitement use of physical force within a given territory. He argues this makes up a fundamental feature of the state. Sovereignty or the right to rule, weber would argue is rife with the course of force.