POLS 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Putney Debates

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Qot principle: what touches all should be approved and considered by law - principle of roman law. There was a rebellion against the absolute monarchy and religious oppression. Driven by a strong disapproval of the king"s authoritarian ways - charles the first. Divine right theory = king"s authority comes from god. Charles would be put above the law - which lead to a conflict between the king and the parliament also paving into the puritan revolt. For puritans they believed it was necessary to limit the king"s power. The parliament will create its new army called the new model army = military force to defeat the royal army. After the king was arrested the high point of the revolution was his execution = kings rule was replaced by oliver cromwell. Nma will fight for ideas and values to defend the rights of the people. Divided into 2 camps ( room for debate: putney debates) : levellers and grandees.