PHIL 2070 Study Guide - Final Guide: Subjectivism, Relativism, Spinach

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Your thoughts or behaviours determines what you ought and ought not to do. Your cultures codes or customs determine what you ought and ought not to do. Something other than people determine what you ought and ought not to do. No one should force others to have the same moral beliefs as them: this is not subjectivism because everyone has a right to their opinion because this itself is a moral claim. You are in control of your moral beliefs it"s a descriptive fact: says something about where moral beliefs come from, our beliefs come from us we are the ones who come up with moral beliefs. Mackie believes we all have instilled values and we will do the action of the value because we are motivated to do it. 1st argument: moral codes vary across times and cultures, and the moral beliefs of individuals reflect moral upbringing.