PHIL 2050 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Algebraic Interior, Jeremy Bentham, Deontological Ethics

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17 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Natural law theory society should be as well, humans conduct should be governed the same way. Greeks: physical laws of the universe were unchanging so laws governing. Plato: beings (souls) have three parts: mind, appetite and will. These three parts must coincide with each other in harmony. Societies must be similarly divided with ruling class, business class (feed appetites) and military (police to control appetites) in order to keep this balance, purpose of law is to preserve this balance in society: since the greeks: Islamic sharia, christian canon law, st. augustine (4th and 5th century), st. thomas aquinas (13th century), john finnis (21st century) Key difference from greeks: later natural theory was committed not so much to investigate nature, but instead to working out the implications of divinely created world, what laws must be in the world that god created.